Looking to sell part of your business?
I can help.
After a thorough business review and detailed target market research, together we will address all concerns and strengths ensuring you secure the best offer for your business.
complimentary review
how i help
A partial business exit
in 3 easy steps
Step 2
Preferred Investor
I will research potential domestic and foreign investors establishing a contact list. I will contact potential investors and, under confidentiality agreement, provide them with the information document. Secure indicative offers for the business and identify the preferred buyer.
case studies
Do you know about the Covid-19 support schemes for your business?
As we are all working towards reducing the health impact of Covid-19 by complying with the lockdown, businesses are starting[...]
5 Steps to Protect Your Business from Covid-19
COVID-19 BUSINESS ACTION FRAMEWORKThe Covid-19 virus is bringing all of us into a time of unprecedented challenge. The protection of[...]
Are you an accounting or taxation practitioner? Then I can add to your profit line. My name is Frank Coombes[...]
Coombes Corporate Finance,
1B First Floor,
6 Lapps Quay, Cork.
T. 021 242 7185
E. fcoombes@coombesfinance.com